Multiracial dating

My First Podcast Interview - Multiracial Family Man


Mi gente! I'm really excited to let you know that I was just interviewed on the Multiracial Family Man podcast to discuss my Afro-Latina experience, our multiracial life in the South, and our transracial adoption. It was great fun!!!! I think I over shared a bit, but I’m glad I did. A million thanks to Alex for being a wonderful host! 

You can find the podcast on any of the links below:

Libsyn Podcast Network

Excerpt from the Multiracial Family Man Site

"Ep. 158: Ligia Cushman is an Afro-Latina with Dominican roots who grew up in New York City. She is married to a White man, and together they have a multiracial son, whom they adopted. Ligia and her family live in the South, where she is an active advocate in the adoption space.

Listen as she talks to Alex about her Multiracial experience, her views on race and adoption, and how Multiracial experience differs from North to South."

For more on host, Alex Barnett, please check out his website: or visit him on Facebook or on Twitter.

To subscribe to the Multiracial Family Man, please click here: MULTIRACIAL FAMILY MAN PODCAST